Working Capital Solutions
For a company to build a robust growth trajectory, it needs to have access to working capital finance. We understand this. That’s why we provide long-term, flexible working capital solutions to ensure an uninterrupted flow of funds, helping businesses to get ahead.

Working Capital Solutions - Why to partner with Arka

Working Capital Solutions
Why should you partner with Arka?
• The working capital finance solutions have a repayment tenure of up to 36 months.
• With short turnaround times, we help ease the immediate pressure on cash flows.

Working Capital Solutions - Arka’s Client Chronicles

Arka’s Client Chronicles
We assisted leading metal manufacturing companies when they bid to dismantle projects under liquidation, as the liquidator requires the bid amount to be given within 30 days of winning the bid. We enabled a large pharmaceutical company in meeting bridge fund requirements before the sale of a business. We offered a leading power producing conglomerate term debt to execute ongoing orders when working capital limits could not meet the funding requirements.

Bespoke Financial Solutions - Getting Ahead With Arka

Getting Ahead With Arka